Monday, November 24, 2008

Facing the fact!

I just ran my second marathon yesterday. Well, frankly, I ran 18 miles and then walked 8. See, I have always had trouble with ankle, knee, and hip pain on my right side. I attribute it to the fact that I pronate (flat footed) more on my right foot then on my left. I have had pain since I can remember as far back as high school basketball. I actually remember my coach making me temporary padding prior to my basketball games.

6 years ago when I started running I had the same issues again. In fact any prolong pressure on my feet will flare up pain on the inner part of my tibia bone. I know that if I am going to be baking all day that I cannot do it in my house slippers, I must wear my tennis shoes.

For some reason I decided to ignore the issue and train for a sprint triathlon, and 3 marathons from June to November. It has been hard on my foot and this last attempt at a marathon really proved to me that I need to face the facts about MY body. You see, when I say I am going to do something I always try to see it through. I had decided to do this last marathon even though I knew my ankle was stressed. I really thought things might go well and I would be able to put mind over matter and finish strong. Well, I finished, but not so strong. I just couldn't take the pain any longer and I started walking about mile 18. After that, every strike of my heel came with a painful strike. I just wanted to give up. As I started to see people pass me that I had passed early my mental state suffered more and more. I started crying 3 different times and kept thinking of stopping the next bike rider to have him call someone to come get me. My good friend Shelley came to cheer me on and I asked her to take me in her car. She refused because she knew I truly wanted to finish.

I know you are all thinking...isn't she a trainer? I know, I should know better. But I am just as human as the rest of us. I kept saying to myself...I paid for this and even though my foot hurts I am just going to do it because -A. I siad I was, and B. I paid money to do it.

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