Monday, March 17, 2008

Hearts At Home

Founded in 1994, Hearts at Home began as a small ministry to mothers at home in Central Illinois. To learn more about Hearts at Home and its founder, Jill Savage, see the Jan/Feb 2000 cover story in Today's Christian Woman magazine.

Our Mission Statement
Hearts at Home is a Christ-centered organization which encourages, educates, and equips women in the profession of motherhood.

This last weekend I went to wonderful Moms conference called Hearts At Home. I loved it. It was my second time. I feel very validated when I am there. In the past I have struggled with feelings of inadequacy about staying home. At times I have felt like wiping butts, reading kindergarten level books, & cleaning crumbs off the floor 7 times a days- is not enough. Yes, I work part-time because I love my job, but being a mother should always be my full time priority. It is God's plan for my life!!! When someone asks me "what do you do?" I sometimes find myself saying, "I just stay home," or "I am a part time Personal Trainer". We moms who try to put God and Family first should be proud of it. This conference helps me to remember that and re-align my priorities with God's priorities.

1 comment:

littlemamak said...

Thank you so much for sharing that article. I can completely relate to so many of the issues mentioned. I have never heard of Hearts at Home... but let me tell you I went straight to the website and signed up for the newsletter!