Wednesday, December 3, 2008

10 ways to avoid gaining weight during the Holidays.

10 ways to avoid gaining weight during the Holidays.

1)Control your own environment. When the party is at your house, try your best to set rules. Suggest you over ride the old traditions with new healthy ones. Stick to your plan even when others make you feel like you "have to have 4 desserts on the table". Or, " you must have green bean casserole instead of steamed green beans low fat Italian dressing drizzled on it ."

2)Research ways to make your Christmas meal as healthy as possible. Make mashed pots with chicken broth or 1% buttermilk instead of whole milk and a stick of butter.

3)Plot out your "bad meals". You know ahead of time when and where you will be going to Christmas parties. For that matter you know from past experience what they will have there to eat. Pick your battles wisely and decide to only eat a few bad meals out of all the parties you will go to. For instance, I have already decided that I will eat bad on the evening of December 13th because I am going to our Italian friends Christmas party and boy do those women bring of the food. I have already planned to partake in their cookies and wonderful Italian foods. I also plan on making Cinnamon rolls and fresh fruit salad on Christmas morning. That's another bad meal ( well, at least the Cinnamon rolls) I just can't sacrifice with my little boys.

4) Make the decision NOW to politely decline any offers to take home left overs. Even if your kids beg you....just say "no". If you are anything like me, you will find a way to take a slither of your child's left over pumpkin pie before you hand it off to him or her.

5)Practice mentally preparing yourself to make only one trip to the food buffet. Mentally go through it over and over in your head. Picture yourself sitting down, slowly eating and visiting, and then not going back a second time. If you are a person that already eats a lot and is know for going back again, and again, then people will take notice of your new habits. They may not say anything, but they will take notice.

6) Try hard to not let you food touch on the plate. Stick to the one starch, one meat, and one (or more)veggie rule when filling your plate. No piling!!!!

7)Drink a large glass of water before you start eating at the party or Christmas gathering. If you are still hungry after, then drink another large glass of water after your meal too.

8)Start your meal by filling your plate with the salad. Lots of people skip the salad altogether during the holidays. Plan on making that the first thing you go for.

9)Add and extra 15 minutes of cardio to your workouts. If you are already doing 30 -45 minutes of cardio then make sure you do between 45-60 minutes of cardio.

10) Weigh yourself twice a week instead of just once per week (only for the holidays). I can gain 3 pounds in one weekend on my mother -in -laws food when I am there. It doesn't take long to gain the weight, but losing it is harder. Reminding yourself of your current weight before you go to a party might prevent you from going back to the dessert table for a second helping.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Facing the fact!

I just ran my second marathon yesterday. Well, frankly, I ran 18 miles and then walked 8. See, I have always had trouble with ankle, knee, and hip pain on my right side. I attribute it to the fact that I pronate (flat footed) more on my right foot then on my left. I have had pain since I can remember as far back as high school basketball. I actually remember my coach making me temporary padding prior to my basketball games.

6 years ago when I started running I had the same issues again. In fact any prolong pressure on my feet will flare up pain on the inner part of my tibia bone. I know that if I am going to be baking all day that I cannot do it in my house slippers, I must wear my tennis shoes.

For some reason I decided to ignore the issue and train for a sprint triathlon, and 3 marathons from June to November. It has been hard on my foot and this last attempt at a marathon really proved to me that I need to face the facts about MY body. You see, when I say I am going to do something I always try to see it through. I had decided to do this last marathon even though I knew my ankle was stressed. I really thought things might go well and I would be able to put mind over matter and finish strong. Well, I finished, but not so strong. I just couldn't take the pain any longer and I started walking about mile 18. After that, every strike of my heel came with a painful strike. I just wanted to give up. As I started to see people pass me that I had passed early my mental state suffered more and more. I started crying 3 different times and kept thinking of stopping the next bike rider to have him call someone to come get me. My good friend Shelley came to cheer me on and I asked her to take me in her car. She refused because she knew I truly wanted to finish.

I know you are all thinking...isn't she a trainer? I know, I should know better. But I am just as human as the rest of us. I kept saying to myself...I paid for this and even though my foot hurts I am just going to do it because -A. I siad I was, and B. I paid money to do it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Guidelines

The new exercise guidelines, released last month by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, are just in time to get an entire population moving during the cold months.

This is the first time that the government has issued specific guidelines on how much exercise, types and intensities are appropriate for people of all ages and physical conditions.

“The comprehensive recommendations for the nation reinforce what ACE (American Council on Exercise) has been encouraging Americans to do since its inception, which is to get regular physical activity,” said Dr. Cedric Bryant, Chief Science Officer at ACE. “Adherence to these guidelines could have a tremendously positive impact on public health since increasing one’s level of physical activity produces many benefits including weight loss, improved fitness and a reduced risk of heart disease and chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.”

Adult Guidelines

According to the guidelines, most adults could gain substantial health benefits from 2 1/2 hours of weekly moderate intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or gardening. For more physically fit adults, 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity, such as swimming laps, hiking uphill or race-walking can offer similar health benefits in half the time.

Think you can’t carve out time for exercise during a busy day?

Research shows that even 10-minute bouts of heart-pumping activity are better than none at all. To regain lost lean muscle mass and strengthen weakening bones, which is part of the normal aging process, the experts recommend that adults also lift weights twice a week.

This is the first time that the government has issued specific guidelines on how much exercise, types and intensities are appropriate for people of all ages and physical conditions.

“The comprehensive recommendations for the nation reinforce what ACE (American Council on Exercise) has been encouraging Americans to do since its inception, which is to get regular physical activity,” said Dr. Cedric Bryant, Chief Science Officer at ACE. “Adherence to these guidelines could have a tremendously positive impact on public health since increasing one’s level of physical activity produces many benefits including weight loss, improved fitness and a reduced risk of heart disease and chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.”

Women who are Pregnant

At least 2.5 hours of weekly moderate-intensity aerobic activity during pregnancy and after delivery, such as swimming, cycling on a stationary bicycle or working on an elliptical trainer. Fitter women can continue to perform 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic training a week given their doctor’s consent and adjustment of the exercise program over time.

Keeping Fit through the Holidays

So whether you’re aged 14, 25 or 70, an avid exerciser or a couch potato, it’s never too late to start exercising or to ramp up your current exercise levels. Most Americans don’t exercise enough, which isn’t only about fitting into a smaller size pant, but a matter of healthful and mindful living.

If you’re already approaching the holidays with a sense of resignation and entitlement to splurge, why not make a lifestyle change now and approach the New Year with a real sense of renewal of body and soul.

Go to
for more detailed information.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Bootcamp starting In soon

I am so excited about my new bootcamp class. I am working on securing a location...which is a mind draining process. Here are the top 5 reasons why a bootcamp is a great workout:
1. You need very little or no equipment to do it
2. You mix cardio and strength training in one hour of power
3. It incorporates the use of your own body weight to build strength
4. The workouts change on a daily basis to keep your body guessing and avoid burn out and a plateau.
5. It usually involves circuits and interval training which is the best way to maximize an hour work out.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Man, our boys HERO

My hubby is cool, rugged, and I love it. He just did his first 50K trail run in the Ozark Mountains. it had 16 creek crossings some of which were knee deep. Here are some pics.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The transversus abdominus

I am always screaming at my clients about standing tall and pulling in the TVA(transversus abdominus). Here is a very scary picture on day five of Disney World. It is late afternoon and I am frustrated with the kids. Check out my posture after 5 days of walking.....Naval to Spine Mendy!!!!!!! A shout out to my hubby a big "thanks" for taking this picture.

The transversus abdominus is made of a wide band of fibers that wrap horizontally around the middle of the body. It forms a supportive girdle for the trunk, making it an essential muscle of core stabilization. Pulling in the transversus abdominus results in a reduction of diameter of the abdomen. In other words, it gives you a waist.

Friday, September 19, 2008

I ran in Tropical Storm Ike!!!!

Ya know, I don't have a very high pain tolerance. I hate cold rain, and wind gusts take my breath away like a little baby on a breezy spring afternoon.

Well, I have been training for my first marathon and God intervened for some reason....the weather was so bad they had to call the marathon off at mile 10. I was sooooo thankful because I didn't even want to run it once I woke up and realized just how bad it was outside. If is wasn't for my husband than I would have just turned my car right back around and went back to bed. I didn't though and it was painful...See pictures above. Check out a video of the parking lot...needless to say the route ended up being flooded.
On our way back home from St. Louis I got my planned back out and started planning for my next attempt at a marathon. The Gobbler Grind will be my first. It is in Olatha, KS the weekend before Thanksgiving. Hopefully we will not get a blizzard or anything.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Good Running Book

Here is a good book that I want to read. Many people think that they cannot do a marathon. With the walk run method you can do it. My friend Shelly does this and it really works for her. In fact, she actually has a faster pace when she takes walk breaks. Here is the book

Running Until You're 100 Have you ever wanted to show a friend or relative solid research showing that runners have better joint health than non runners? This book has the studies, with how to adjust training, pacing, walk breaks, nutrition, running philosophy and lot's more. Noted sports dietitian Nancy Clark has nutrition information to sustain health and energy. One of the persons in the "hero" section is Don McNelly who ran 29 marathons at age 85, and has no joint problems. This is a very popular book among those at any age who want to enjoy running until they reach the century mark-then there will have to be a sequel. Use coupon code gp100 to receive 10% off.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Heallthy snack for kids

I love the "Banana Dog" snack recipe for kids I found on Check it out

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I wish I could say that I have always wanted to do a triathlon. But up until about 6 weeks ago I had never even considered it because I call myself a "bad swimmer". Well, the cool thing about that is that I just finished a sprint womens triathlon. For several months Jen and Becky in my running club have been trying to get me to do one. My friend Shelly has asked me, but I distracted her with training for a marathon. Well, gave in and now know that I CAN swim, then bike, then run. Here are some pictures this wonderful experience.

If there is something you have written off of your "things to do in my lifetime" list, then I encourage you to write it back on. You can do it. If there is something that you have never considered because "you suck at it" I challenge you to try it. Do it!! I know you can.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


I love my friends...I can honestly say that the old concept of "if you want to be a certain way...hang out with those kind of people", rings true in my life. I want to be healthy and fit both physically and spiritually. Most of my close friends are also working to do that. I need their support. I love the encouragement we give each other. Here is a picture of just 2 of the great friends that I believe God blessed me with. Shelly Hanson and Adrienne Garstang...They support me, love me, pray for me, encourage me, correct me, run with me, swim with me, bike with me, listen to me; I could go on forever. My point here is: if you want to be healthy physically, spiritually, mentally, and your friends love to shop, eat, and sleep in on Sunday mornings, then you need to find new friends. I love the old girls scout song. It goes, " make new friends, but keep the old, the new are silver but the old are gold.

So thanks to all you faithful friends: Jami (runner, mother of 2, strong Christian women ), Kyla(swimmer, training for a triathlon, and accountability partner), Candace (spiritual leader, accountability partner, and training for a triathlon), Shelly (runner, swimmer, bootcamper, training for a triathlon, and mother of 4 boys-oh how I need her!!!), Adrienne (runner, training for several triathlons, and accountability partner),

In two weeks I am doing my first sprint triathlon. I have sooo many friends doing it. Carrie, Adrienne, Shelly, Kyla, Candace, Michelle, Becky.... I know it will be challenging, but I know we are going to all be there cheering each other on. Trust me I am really going to need it. I tried to swim in open water this morning and I kinda freaked out.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Burn Fitness Training

My new website is now up and running. There are still new features yet to come, but the basics are all there!

Check it out at

Monday, July 21, 2008

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Anyone who knows me well knows that I am a freak when it comes to having High Fructose Corn Syrup in my house. Yes, sometimes it creeps in, but that is usually when I fail to take an extra moment to read that food label. Just the other day I actually found it in a glass jar of minced ginger that had been in my fridge for several weeks. Here is an article I liked about it.

Teen Obesity and High Fructose Corn Syrup
Posted by Karen Hanrahan at 4/3/2008 1:29 AM and is filed under Nutrition
When I took on switching brands to less chemical foods to the foods produced in the alternative food market it took me a good 2 years.

I was reducing sodium, sugars of any kind, food preservatives and food dyes. I was switching from white rice to a more nutrient and fiber rich brown. I was diluting juices, making my own popsicles, freezing our steamed veggies in ice cube trays for baby food. I made my own italian sausage using turkey. I made my own soup stocks. It was an industrious and meaningful endeavor.

Along my learning path the word altered came into my vocabulary, altered fats first - typically known as anything hydrogenated and then altered sugars known as High Fructose Corn Syrup. I added both of those things to my *these are really BAD* list and went on about my continued path of staying away from these ingredients.

If you haven't noticed High Fructose Corn Syrup is in a lot of stuff, it is the cornerstone of mass produced and processed food. It makes things ultra sweet and makes the shelf life of stuff very stable - try perpetual. Some might say it's derived from cornstarch so that makes it natural. However it is an altered substance and when you do that to something it changes its chemistry. Same thing as margarine - when you take something from it's natural liquid form and hydrogenate it to make it into a solid, it's basically like eating plastic. Your body doesn't have a clue how to digest it or by design we were not meant to process it

My recent horror about the ingredient crystaline fructose ( note the arsenic, lead, chloride and heavy metals in the break down! ) found in my formerly beloved bread has had me hyper aware of how the misconception continues.

Tidbits from a brief article in my daughter's TEEN Vogue, are worth sharing.

( by the by what an interesting magazine teen vogue is, in my day I read Vogue for the photography - I was designer clothing/anything oblivious - these days it's fascinating to see the industry market themselves to youth - it's a real culture.)

High Fructose Corn Syrup is 20% cheaper than sugar. It's a 4.5 BILLION dollar industry. It came to the market in the late 70's, obesity levels at that time were stable. Now 50% of our sweeteners are HFCS derived. Per person consumption is at a 73.5 lbs PER YEAR. Do you even fathom the volume of sweetener that is ?

Obesity rates in teens have TRIPLED.


The article sites a researcher George Bray, MD, professor of Clinical Obesity and Metabolism at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center at Louisiana State University who states based on the commentary above; the rise in obesity in the US can be linked to the increased use of HFCS

Not only is HFCS sweeter than regular sugar, it could lead to overeating, while glucose stimulates regulation of body weight, fructose doesn't stimulate that hormone, making it easier to over consume and eventually gain weight. HFCS has been directly linked to the increase of diabetes, and to heart disease and stroke risk.

I have been a label detective for years and years, back then I was thought to be pretty darn weird. Yet really the only way to wean from this horrific and addictive substance is to become hyper aware. When you begin to see how it's infiltrated so much of what you eat - you will be shocked.

On a personal note - the additional thing that horrifies me is that additional corn derived and equally if not more harmful sweeteners are being utilized. I wrote about crystaline fructose in a previous post. This sweetener was new to me - I just don't eat or shop mainstream foods, yet it's actually been around for some time

Last year my daughter made an emphatic choice to make and bring her own lunch. She's been awesome about it. The bread I provided had that sweetener in it, I noticed the bread had changed, but I never read the label. This fact alone just makes me scream... how is it that I let this detail go unnoticed? The definition says that CF is three times more concentrated. My daughter this last year has put on some weight. What if it's a direct corrulation ?

I'd like to think not, she is after all a teenager and while we really eat well, nothing stops her from finding sweet and or greasy things that teenagers love. I feel at some point as a parent we have to let go, and she really does know better. Lots of things are different this year, she drives instead of walking to school, she's very busy and even stressed, she's hormonal, as so many young teens are, she's compulsive. Then again she eats lots of vegetables, fruit, brown rice, takes a dance class. Her school is 3 stories with lots and lots of stairs.

Yet ...what if it was that bread? What if the chemistry was altered just enough? I feel horrible just thinking about it.

US has the fattest teens

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I am training for a marathon. This is the picture of me and several running partners I have with the running club I started. On this day I was at the 1/2 way point to reaching the overall goal of 26.2 miles. This is the just before the Hospital Hill 1/2 is 5:30 a.m. I look really tired.

I just wonder how many women keep saying to themselves..."on Monday I am going to start my new diet and exercise program, wake up and it is Monday, and they do not have a plan. Reaching a goal always takes a plan. Good plans require lots of thought, baby steps ( like Bob would say), and required measures to rewarding yourself along the way.

Being a trainer, I wrote my own marathon training plan (with the advisement of an experienced marathoner friend). After I wrote the plan,however, I had to revise it 3 times. You see, I looked at my calender and realized that my baby steps (long runs) were not going to fit my summer lifestyle/schedule. Instead of feeling defeat and giving up my goal, I just readjusted my plan. This is the most cruicial part of staying focused: knowing when to take a step back and say this is not realistic at the moment, I must refocus, but still keep a FORWARD MOTION toward my ultimate goal.

Do you have a goal? Have you giving up on it? In the fall I will be teaching a goal oriented class for moms of all ages called Burn Mama Burn. I am super excited about it. Check out the details at or see below for information

Burn Mama Burn
From the creator of Burn Baby Burn Fitness comes Burn Mama Burn-a personal trianing exerience. This new innovative class allows moms of all ages to enjoy the benefits of Personal Training and weekly written fitness plans at half the cost. In Burn Mama Burn you will be motivated by 3 to 6 other moms who are achieving their fitness goals through specific and individual attention from the Instructor. We will achieve your goals by utilizing pilates movements, functional, strength, and endurance training. We will meet every Monday to train, review your weekly fitness plan, and access your nutrition goals. Burn Mama Burn will also offer on going on-line support that includes accountability, menu plans, exercise demonstrations, and member feedback at The Instructor, Mendy Shriver, has several years experience in group fitness instruction, small group personal training, and one on one personal training. She specializes in Pre/Post natal fitness and has a passion for helping everyday moms get fit again. Mendy Shriver is A.C.E. , A.F.A.A. certified, and SCW specialty Pre/Post Natal Certified.
Mondays 9:30-10:45
cost: $144 / 6 weeks session/ member,$180

session 1: Sept. 8 - Oct.13
session 2: Nov. 3 - Dec.8

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sacrifice = Success!!!!!!!!

OK moms, I know some of you out there like your Starbucks stops. I know, I know, its like therapy in a cup. A quiet little moment of serenity while you take that one sip, you block out the noise of cell phones, backyardigans music, and off beat claps from your children. It really doesn't last long--the therapy I mean. Yes, it yummy(especially if your drink of choice frappachino), but then the guilt sets in. The calories, the thought that its all headed south to your butt, hips, or thighs.
So lets do the math here. .
1 latte @ approx. $3 X 4 per week=$48 every month
Also, take out at least one of your fast food runs @ approx. $12 a pop and that = $48 per month.

Together this all equals $96 per month. Think of all you could do with that money. Get a personal trainer, save for your kids college, give to charity or your church. Oh, and I didn't even mention the coolest part about sacrificing your lattes, and fast food shave off about 3500 calories per week which = no more guilt which = reducing fat on your mid-section which = weight loss which = lower number when you step on the scale which = a feeling of accomplishment which = more motivation to keep going!!!!!!!!!! So ask yourself right now, What can you sacrifice to accomplish your goals. Sacrifice = Success

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Just say "NO"

Saying "no" is my biggest challenge!!! I love getting involved in things, staying busy, being proactive. On the other hand, it stresses my family out. I wish more moms would join together in saying "no" to too many activities for our children and our own schedules. I was talking with Kara, one of the owners of my favorite scrapbooking store The Paperie Place, and she said it well..."its like we need a support group of moms who insist on saying "no" to too many activities. She told how as she grew up in Liberty she enjoyed just walking around the Liberty Square on a nice day. Who does that type of thing anymore? I know my kids don't have time to "just walk around" and play outside on a regular basis. What is wrong with our society? What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you? Here is an excerpt of a newsletter written by Dr. James Dobson from Focus on the Family (I highlighted the sentence that hit home with me the most):

"I find that children and young people are starved today for family life as it used to be — but almost never is. When my late father-in-law, Joe Kubishta, was 89, and Shirley's mom was 90, young people still loved to come see them. Why? Because everything there was so much fun. They had time to play table games, laugh, eat and talk about whatever interested the young adults. Nobody was in a hurry. If they were ever called on the phone, they were always available to talk. One of their frequent visitors was an unmarried man named Charlie who loved the Kubishtas. When he had to move away, he drove 60 miles to their house with a rosebush that he planted in their backyard. He just wanted to make sure Joe and Alma didn't forget him. This elderly man and woman provided something to those who were younger that is simply not available elsewhere. How sad.
In closing, let me emphasize one more time that the trouble we are having with our children is linked directly to routine panic and the increasing isolation and detachment from you, their parents. Furthermore, boys typically suffer more from these conditions than do girls. Why? Because boys are more likely to get off-course when they are not guided and supervised carefully. They are inherently more volatile and less stable emotionally. They founder in chaotic, unsupervised and undisciplined circumstances. Boys are like automobiles that need a driver at the steering wheel every moment of the journey, gently turning a half inch here and a quarter-inch there. They will need this guidance for at least 16 or 18 years, or even longer. When left to their own devices, they tend to drift toward the center divider or into the ditch, toward misbehavior or danger. Yet 59 percent of today's kids come home to an empty house. It is an invitation to mischief or disaster for rambunctious males, and the older they get, the more opportunities they have to get into trouble. Today, when the culture is in a tug-of-war with families for control of our children, we can't afford to be casual about their care and training.
Your task as a mother, in conjunction with your husband, is to build a man out of the raw materials available in this delightful little boy, stone upon stone upon stone. Never assume for a moment that you can "do your own thing" without serious consequences for him and his sister. I believe this task must be your highest priority for a period of time. It will not always be required of you. Before you know it, that child at your feet will become a young man who will pack his bags and take his first halting steps into the adult world. Then it will be your turn. By all expectations, you should have decades of health and vigor left to invest in whatever God calls you to do. But for now, there is a higher calling. I feel obligated to tell you this, whether my words are popular or not. Raising children who have been loaned to us for a brief moment outranks every other responsibility. Besides, living by that priority when kids are small will produce the greatest rewards at maturity."

Sunday, April 27, 2008


I totally enjoyed visiting with girls from High School this past weekend. Some of them I had not seen since graduation in '93. Here is a picture of us all.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Lilttle Blessings

I have been wondering what to post on my blog next, and I wanted it to be something about how moms need to remember our families and children are blessings, not hindrances. So with that said...all you need to do is click on this link to watch this tear jerker video. I am 100% pro life and stories like this just prove that God has a plan for every life. Please get a tissue, click on the link, watch, and remember how precious your little one is. Here it is...Click here: :: 99 BALLOONS :: Igniter Media Group ::

Friday, March 21, 2008

Ask Mary

I love My trainer friend Mandy Froehlich( ) told me about it a long time ago. Today I found that it has a resident Nutritionist. I loved this question that she answered here.

Ask Mary
Ask Mary
Your personal nutritionist
Mary Hartley, RDDirector of Nutrition

Should I be eating 7 calories per pound to lose weight?Asked by anonymous on Feb 26, 2008 in
Weight Loss
According to the Biggest Loser, to lose weight you should eat 7 calories per pound of body weight, and to maintain, you should eat 12 calories per pound. I am eating 7 calories per pound but I am starving! What's wrong?
At a moderate activity level, an adult needs roughly 15 calories per pound of ideal weight. Ideal weight is somewhere between BMI 19 and 25. Estimating calorie requirements is complicated and imprecise, and the 7 calorie per pound guideline is not a scientific fact. The Biggest Loser's severely obese contestants might do fine on 7 calories per pound, but the guideline would not work for less overweight people. For example, at 7 calories per pound, a 300-pound person gets 2100 calories a day, but a 140-pound person gets only 980 calories.

A client of mine who I adore were discussing The Biggest Loser today. So many of my clients love this show so I finally started watching it. Ok, so I record it now too, but I really have a problem with the "camp like expectations" they have for these contestants...even when they have gotten very close to their goal weight. We in the real world need to remember that 2 lbs a week is a SAFE and REALISTIC way to drop pounds.

Here are the facts: This is a life long process... you will never be able to start eating like crap on a consistent basis again. You will always have to work out 5 times a week for the rest of your life. We here in the real world are lucky to squeeze in a 1 hour work out per day.

When you are watching the Biggest Loser and wondering why you are not dropping 13 lbs. a week....just remember if you take it off fast then you will gain it back fast, but if you take it off slow, you are more likely to keep it off. Lifestyle change=consistency, commitment, and perseverance!!!!!!!! Just keep plugging away. You can do this!!!!!

McBride and Son Company Cruise

My husband works for a great company. Even though the housing market is in a slump, McBride Homes has managed to be a success. While many workers in the industry are complaining of paycuts and job loss, my husband and I are grateful to be associated with a solid, hard working company that treats their employees well. A few weeks ago they took us on a 3 day cruise. Here are a few pictures from the event.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Exercise of the month

All you need is a paper plate and a hardwood floor. Place right foot on paper plate. Lift up your heel as you slide your toes back. Remember to always keep your front knee placed directly above your heel. Put pressure through your front heel as your drag your back leg forward to starting position. Do 2 sets of 15 on each leg. This client of mine looks great...can you believe she is 5 months pregnant with her 4th child!!!!!! Its really important to keep a strong core and she does, although she will not admit it.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hearts At Home

Founded in 1994, Hearts at Home began as a small ministry to mothers at home in Central Illinois. To learn more about Hearts at Home and its founder, Jill Savage, see the Jan/Feb 2000 cover story in Today's Christian Woman magazine.

Our Mission Statement
Hearts at Home is a Christ-centered organization which encourages, educates, and equips women in the profession of motherhood.

This last weekend I went to wonderful Moms conference called Hearts At Home. I loved it. It was my second time. I feel very validated when I am there. In the past I have struggled with feelings of inadequacy about staying home. At times I have felt like wiping butts, reading kindergarten level books, & cleaning crumbs off the floor 7 times a days- is not enough. Yes, I work part-time because I love my job, but being a mother should always be my full time priority. It is God's plan for my life!!! When someone asks me "what do you do?" I sometimes find myself saying, "I just stay home," or "I am a part time Personal Trainer". We moms who try to put God and Family first should be proud of it. This conference helps me to remember that and re-align my priorities with God's priorities.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

ok, so I was just playing around and thought this little movies was cute using blank and white.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Clip of my Burn Baby Burn class

Here is a clip of my signature class Burn Baby Burn. I love this Post Natal Group Exercise class. These girls are eager to get back into shape and they work hard at it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Pizza grease

I am so proud of my kids when they make healthy choices like grabbing an apple or banana for a snack. Sometimes I am also proud of them when they imitate my husband and I as we make healthy decisions in a not so healthy situation.
Last week we took the boys to Godfather's Pizza because my son had a free kids pizza from a perfect attendance school certificate. I looked over at my oldest and youngest and they were tabbing their pizza with napkins just like my husband and I. The cool thing is that I did not make my boys do it, they just did it because my husband and I were doing it. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!!!

Blotting pizza makes it healthier: True.
People who blot their pizza always look neurotic. But, they are saving themselves from consuming extra fat and calories. By blotting the grease on top of a pizza with a napkin, you'll eliminate at least 4.5 grams of fat per slice.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I like Mike

I was reading in Exodus today about the plagues that God struck upon the Egyptians because Pharoah kept God's people (the Isrealites) in slavery. All I could think about was how stupid and stubburn the Pharoah was. Even when his city officials asked him how long he was going to allow this to effect their country, Pharoah was still hard- hearted to God's commands to "let my people go".

Today we have such a great blessing that we can, as a nation, vote our leaders into office. The Egyptians didn't!!! In the time of Moses, the Egyptians had to live through frog plagues, locus plagues, water to blood (the Nile River to be exact), boils, death of the first born son...All of this because of a leader whose heart was heart toward the One true God.

I have heard many people since Super Tuesday say, "no, I didn't vote-it is only the primaries." Well, to them I say, " would you rather live in ancient Egypt?"

Unlike the Pharoah, Mike Huckabee's heart is definately not hardened toward God. He openly speaks of his Christian convictions, morals, and values. His motto is "faith, family, freedom". I heard Jay Leno say that "it would take a miracle from God for Huckabee to win". Let assure you Jay, God is very capable!!! Although the media seems to ignore Huckabee, and focus on McCain, I believe that he can win this Presidential race. Please join me in supporting him through prayer, finacial contributions, and simply spreading the word. Here is his website: Check him out for yourself.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wii Fit Parody

This is too funny. I thought I was excited about the new Wii fit, but this video just puts it all into perspective. Check it out

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Be Successful!!!

Being successful in anything starts with having a plan. Now, some might criticize Panera Bread for seeming like a healthy place to eat, but you can really make good choices there if you have a plan and have done your research. Today, I did just that. I got on this morning before I left for the day. I looked at the nutritional information, found something healthy /low in calories, and before I got there I knew how many calories I was going to consume. In the dot com world that we live in there is really no excuse not to have a plan for eating out. Here is the link for my favorite lunch destination once again , now what is yours...Applebee's, Subway, Bob Evans? Take responsibility for what you are putting in your mouth and next time do it knowing it was a smart, pre- planned choice.

Speaking of being successful, today there was a wonderful article in the Liberty Tribune about a group exercise class I created one year ago. It made the front page and featured several wonderful moms who work their butts off (literally) every Tuesday and Thursday. The class is called Burnbabyburn and is a boot camp style class for moms and babies. After several months of struggling with a room at the Liberty Community Center that would fit our group, and other technicalities, I finally feel like this class is a success. I felt like God was confirming to me that I am doing exactly what he wants me to do. That, to me, it the most successful thing ever! My passion is to help moms get back into shape', live a healthy lifestyle, and understand that they can be a walking testimony of Christ's love and beauty rather that being obsessed with a body like those post natal celebrity moms. Below is the article:

Burn baby burn
Fitness class offers mothers workout time with their little ones
By Natalie Shelton Thursday, January 24, 2008 4:12 AM CST

Fitness instructor Mendy Shriver isn’t always working out with the moms in her exercise class at Liberty Community Center.Instead, while she guides them in lunges and leg lifts, she’s holding babies or making sure little ones are happy in their strollers.“In case you need me,” she shouts to the mothers in Liberty Community Center’s gymnasium as she holds a baby girl, “I’ve got another arm.”About 15 moms had gathered last Tuesday for their twice-weekly session of “Burn Baby Burn,” Shriver’s class designed for mother-and-child bonding and for mothers to lose baby weight and relieve daily stresses. Nineteen are enrolled in the class.The moms began the session pushing their children in strollers, followed by leg lunges as they pushed their wee cargo. Soon, they lined their babies along the wall in strollers so they could watch their moms exercise across the gym.And then, the real fun began, as the moms brought their children out of their strollers and incorporated them into their routine.On their knees, they lifted their children up and down in front of them in an exercise Shriver good-naturedly called “baby biceps.” They did squats while holding their babies. They laid some of the younger babies on the mats underneath them as they got on their hands and knees and had some floor time exercising and bonding.“I love it,” said Jaree Vansell, whose 21-month-old daughter, Bella, attempted sit-ups at her mom’s side. “There’s a good variety of exercises each session; it’s not the same thing every time. We work different muscles, different core groups. And Bella takes a good nap afterwards.”The class is practical for moms since they don’t need to find child care to exercise, and it also offers them insight on developing exercise routines at home while incorporating their children. Children in the class should be between 6 weeks old and 24 months old.Shriver, who is group-exercise certified, also teaches an early-morning “boot camp” class at the community center and a “turbo tone” class. She’s also a certified personal trainer, mostly to post-natal moms.“My passion is helping moms like me with pre- and post-natal exercise,” said Shriver, a wife and mother of three boys, ages 7, 5 and 3. “The core of my belief is that women shouldn’t be measuring themselves by Hollywood’s standards of thin. It’s not about being skinny or about poundage; it’s about moms who want to be healthy for themselves and for their kids.”Burn Baby Burn meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 to 11:50 a.m. For information, call the Liberty Community Center at 792-6009 or e-mail Shriver at Mendy Shriver also is offering a fitness class that combines Bible study with low-impact exercise at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church beginning Wednesday, Jan. 30. For information, contact Cathie Simpson at Pleasant Valley Baptist at 781-5959, ext. 322.Staff writer Natalie Shelton can be reached at 781-4941 or

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Been a long time since I updated this... so sorry. Sometimes life just takes priority over silly things like blogging and websites. We had the best Christmas this year. My husband has a rule that we stay home together on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. I love that rule. We had a lot of much needed family time this Holiday Season.

The family got a new Wii from Santa. Wii love it. It makes me happy that we all sweat while playing a video game. The boys come upstairs with their shirts off, panting, and needing a drink. I still can't beat anyone but my husband in boxing, but I just keep blaming it on the Wii sensor. It surely is not me with all my kickboxing moves?