Friday, September 19, 2008

I ran in Tropical Storm Ike!!!!

Ya know, I don't have a very high pain tolerance. I hate cold rain, and wind gusts take my breath away like a little baby on a breezy spring afternoon.

Well, I have been training for my first marathon and God intervened for some reason....the weather was so bad they had to call the marathon off at mile 10. I was sooooo thankful because I didn't even want to run it once I woke up and realized just how bad it was outside. If is wasn't for my husband than I would have just turned my car right back around and went back to bed. I didn't though and it was painful...See pictures above. Check out a video of the parking lot...needless to say the route ended up being flooded.
On our way back home from St. Louis I got my planned back out and started planning for my next attempt at a marathon. The Gobbler Grind will be my first. It is in Olatha, KS the weekend before Thanksgiving. Hopefully we will not get a blizzard or anything.


Andrea said...

Those photos are INSANE! Now I see what you mean by running with the poncho-turned-windsail.

Seriously - you are so my personal hero for not staying in bed tucked under the covers on a day like that!! :)

Kelly said...

WOW, I heard you say that your marathon "didn't happen", but I didn't get the details. 10 miles in that mess would have done me in! I've ran in a little rain before, but that's just insane!!