Friday, March 21, 2008

Ask Mary

I love My trainer friend Mandy Froehlich( ) told me about it a long time ago. Today I found that it has a resident Nutritionist. I loved this question that she answered here.

Ask Mary
Ask Mary
Your personal nutritionist
Mary Hartley, RDDirector of Nutrition

Should I be eating 7 calories per pound to lose weight?Asked by anonymous on Feb 26, 2008 in
Weight Loss
According to the Biggest Loser, to lose weight you should eat 7 calories per pound of body weight, and to maintain, you should eat 12 calories per pound. I am eating 7 calories per pound but I am starving! What's wrong?
At a moderate activity level, an adult needs roughly 15 calories per pound of ideal weight. Ideal weight is somewhere between BMI 19 and 25. Estimating calorie requirements is complicated and imprecise, and the 7 calorie per pound guideline is not a scientific fact. The Biggest Loser's severely obese contestants might do fine on 7 calories per pound, but the guideline would not work for less overweight people. For example, at 7 calories per pound, a 300-pound person gets 2100 calories a day, but a 140-pound person gets only 980 calories.

A client of mine who I adore were discussing The Biggest Loser today. So many of my clients love this show so I finally started watching it. Ok, so I record it now too, but I really have a problem with the "camp like expectations" they have for these contestants...even when they have gotten very close to their goal weight. We in the real world need to remember that 2 lbs a week is a SAFE and REALISTIC way to drop pounds.

Here are the facts: This is a life long process... you will never be able to start eating like crap on a consistent basis again. You will always have to work out 5 times a week for the rest of your life. We here in the real world are lucky to squeeze in a 1 hour work out per day.

When you are watching the Biggest Loser and wondering why you are not dropping 13 lbs. a week....just remember if you take it off fast then you will gain it back fast, but if you take it off slow, you are more likely to keep it off. Lifestyle change=consistency, commitment, and perseverance!!!!!!!! Just keep plugging away. You can do this!!!!!

McBride and Son Company Cruise

My husband works for a great company. Even though the housing market is in a slump, McBride Homes has managed to be a success. While many workers in the industry are complaining of paycuts and job loss, my husband and I are grateful to be associated with a solid, hard working company that treats their employees well. A few weeks ago they took us on a 3 day cruise. Here are a few pictures from the event.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Exercise of the month

All you need is a paper plate and a hardwood floor. Place right foot on paper plate. Lift up your heel as you slide your toes back. Remember to always keep your front knee placed directly above your heel. Put pressure through your front heel as your drag your back leg forward to starting position. Do 2 sets of 15 on each leg. This client of mine looks great...can you believe she is 5 months pregnant with her 4th child!!!!!! Its really important to keep a strong core and she does, although she will not admit it.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hearts At Home

Founded in 1994, Hearts at Home began as a small ministry to mothers at home in Central Illinois. To learn more about Hearts at Home and its founder, Jill Savage, see the Jan/Feb 2000 cover story in Today's Christian Woman magazine.

Our Mission Statement
Hearts at Home is a Christ-centered organization which encourages, educates, and equips women in the profession of motherhood.

This last weekend I went to wonderful Moms conference called Hearts At Home. I loved it. It was my second time. I feel very validated when I am there. In the past I have struggled with feelings of inadequacy about staying home. At times I have felt like wiping butts, reading kindergarten level books, & cleaning crumbs off the floor 7 times a days- is not enough. Yes, I work part-time because I love my job, but being a mother should always be my full time priority. It is God's plan for my life!!! When someone asks me "what do you do?" I sometimes find myself saying, "I just stay home," or "I am a part time Personal Trainer". We moms who try to put God and Family first should be proud of it. This conference helps me to remember that and re-align my priorities with God's priorities.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

ok, so I was just playing around and thought this little movies was cute using blank and white.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Clip of my Burn Baby Burn class

Here is a clip of my signature class Burn Baby Burn. I love this Post Natal Group Exercise class. These girls are eager to get back into shape and they work hard at it.