Saturday, July 26, 2008


I love my friends...I can honestly say that the old concept of "if you want to be a certain way...hang out with those kind of people", rings true in my life. I want to be healthy and fit both physically and spiritually. Most of my close friends are also working to do that. I need their support. I love the encouragement we give each other. Here is a picture of just 2 of the great friends that I believe God blessed me with. Shelly Hanson and Adrienne Garstang...They support me, love me, pray for me, encourage me, correct me, run with me, swim with me, bike with me, listen to me; I could go on forever. My point here is: if you want to be healthy physically, spiritually, mentally, and your friends love to shop, eat, and sleep in on Sunday mornings, then you need to find new friends. I love the old girls scout song. It goes, " make new friends, but keep the old, the new are silver but the old are gold.

So thanks to all you faithful friends: Jami (runner, mother of 2, strong Christian women ), Kyla(swimmer, training for a triathlon, and accountability partner), Candace (spiritual leader, accountability partner, and training for a triathlon), Shelly (runner, swimmer, bootcamper, training for a triathlon, and mother of 4 boys-oh how I need her!!!), Adrienne (runner, training for several triathlons, and accountability partner),

In two weeks I am doing my first sprint triathlon. I have sooo many friends doing it. Carrie, Adrienne, Shelly, Kyla, Candace, Michelle, Becky.... I know it will be challenging, but I know we are going to all be there cheering each other on. Trust me I am really going to need it. I tried to swim in open water this morning and I kinda freaked out.

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