Saturday, August 9, 2008

I wish I could say that I have always wanted to do a triathlon. But up until about 6 weeks ago I had never even considered it because I call myself a "bad swimmer". Well, the cool thing about that is that I just finished a sprint womens triathlon. For several months Jen and Becky in my running club have been trying to get me to do one. My friend Shelly has asked me, but I distracted her with training for a marathon. Well, gave in and now know that I CAN swim, then bike, then run. Here are some pictures this wonderful experience.

If there is something you have written off of your "things to do in my lifetime" list, then I encourage you to write it back on. You can do it. If there is something that you have never considered because "you suck at it" I challenge you to try it. Do it!! I know you can.

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